Serving Colorado for over 25 years

Book Cover Design: “Odyssey of Hope”

BOOK COVER DESIGN: “ODYSSEY OF HOPE” CUSTOMER: Jim Hankins PROJECT DETAILS: In this cover design project, we used one of Jim Hankins’ son’s abstract paintings as the main background element to provide color and texture. MEMOIR / PAPERBACK: A...
Book Cover Design: “Booze at Breakfast”

Book Cover Design: “Booze at Breakfast”

COVER DESIGN AND INTERIOR FORMATTING: “BOOZE FOR BREAKFAST” CUSTOMER: Catherine W. Scott PROJECT DETAILS: Cover design collage and internal book formatting. The images reflect the main characters of the story. FICTION/ PAPERBACK: A family portrait of the...
Brochure Design / Trifold: “Laser Therapy”

Brochure Design / Trifold: “Laser Therapy”

TRIFOLD BROCURE WARM-LASER THERAPY CUSTOMER: Young Healthcare PROJECT DETAILS: Feel the difference of deep tissue laser therapy (Photobiomodulation), a unique and powerful approach to treating injuries, pain and inflammation. Used to help the healing process in...