Serving Colorado for over 25 years
Book Cover Design: “Poverty as My Teacher”

Book Cover Design: “Poverty as My Teacher”

BOOK COVER DESIGN: “POVERTY AS MY TEACHER” CUSTOMER: Bob Miller PROJECT DETAILS: Cover Design and formatted inside pages. BUSINESS / PAPERBACK / SELF-PUBLISHED: This book describes the birth of the initiative — Leading the way out of global poverty with...
Book Cover Design: “Communicating with the Future”

Book Cover Design: “Communicating with the Future”

BOOK COVER DESIGN: “COMMUNICATING WITH THE FUTURE” CUSTOMER: Thomas Frey, PH.D. PROJECT DETAILS: Cover Design. This cover utilizes a well-match royalty-free stock image to abstractly convey the excessive data and information and how quick trends can...
Book Cover Design: “Public Speaking for Money”

Book Cover Design: “Public Speaking for Money”

BOOK COVER DESIGN: “PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR MONEY” CUSTOMER: Frank Candy, President, American Speakers Bureau PROJECT DETAILS: Cover design (and book sales-oriented website) Learn how to: Boost your profits, get high quality bookings, generate multiple streams...
Book Cover Design: “Booze for Breakfast”

Book Cover Design: “Booze for Breakfast”

COVER DESIGN AND INTERIOR FORMATTING: “BOOZE FOR BREAKFAST” CUSTOMER: Catherine W. Scott PROJECT DETAILS: Cover design collage and internal book formatting. The images reflect the main characters of the story. FICTION/ PAPERBACK: A family portrait of the...